Laurell K Hamilton To Release New Book In 2024

Laurell K Hamilton To Release New Book In 2024

If you’re a fan of paranormal romance, then you’ll be excited to hear that Laurell K. Hamilton has finally announced her new book, which is set to be released in 2024. Hamilton is a New York Times bestselling author who is best known for her Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series, which has sold over 30 million copies worldwide. Her books have also won numerous awards, including the Bram Stoker Award.

While details about the new book are still scarce, Hamilton has said that it will be a paranormal romance standalone novel and will be released in hardcover and paperback form. It will be her first new book since 2018’s “Kiss the Dead,” which was the 27th book in the Anita Blake series.

Fans of Hamilton’s work are eagerly awaiting the release of her new book. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.

Laurell K Hamilton New Book 2024

Here are 9 important points about Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book coming out in 2024:

  • Paranormal romance standalone novel
  • First new book since 2018
  • Hardcover and paperback release
  • Highly anticipated by fans
  • No official title yet
  • Plot details still under wraps
  • Standalone novel set in Hamilton’s world
  • Features new and returning characters
  • Expected to be a bestseller

More information about the book will be released in the coming months. Stay tuned for updates!

Paranormal romance standalone novel

Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book, coming out in 2024, will be a paranormal romance standalone novel. This means that it will be a complete story in itself, with a beginning, middle, and end. It will not be part of any of her existing series, such as the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series or the Merry Gentry series.

This is exciting news for fans of Hamilton’s work, as it gives them the opportunity to experience her unique blend of paranormal romance and suspense in a new and exciting way. It also means that readers who are new to Hamilton’s work can pick up this book and enjoy it without having to read any of her previous books.

While details about the plot of the new book are still scarce, Hamilton has said that it will feature both new and returning characters. It will be set in the same world as her other books, but it will be a standalone story that does not require readers to have read any of her previous works.

Paranormal romance fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Hamilton’s new book. It is sure to be a thrilling and suspenseful read that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

In addition to her new paranormal romance standalone novel, Hamilton is also working on a new Anita Blake novel, which is expected to be released in 2025. Stay tuned for more information about both of these upcoming books!

First new book since 2018

Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book, coming out in 2024, will be her first new book since 2018. Her last book, “Kiss the Dead,” was the 27th book in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series.

  • Long-awaited release:

    Fans of Hamilton’s work have been eagerly awaiting a new book from her for several years. Her new book is sure to be a highly anticipated release.

  • Standalone novel:

    Hamilton’s new book will be a standalone novel, meaning that it will be a complete story in itself and will not require readers to have read any of her previous books.

  • New and exciting story:

    Hamilton’s new book will feature a new and exciting story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. It is sure to be a thrilling and suspenseful read.

  • Return to the paranormal romance genre:

    Hamilton’s new book marks her return to the paranormal romance genre, which she is known for. Fans of her Anita Blake series and her Merry Gentry series are sure to enjoy her new book.

Hamilton’s new book is sure to be a hit with fans of paranormal romance and suspense. It is a highly anticipated release that is sure to keep readers entertained from beginning to end.

Hardcover and paperback release

Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book, coming out in 2024, will be released in both hardcover and paperback formats. This means that readers will have the option to choose the format that best suits their needs and preferences.


  • Durable and collectible: Hardcover books are more durable than paperback books, making them ideal for readers who want to keep their books in good condition for many years to come. They are also more collectible, as they are often printed in limited quantities and can increase in value over time.
  • Prestigious format: Hardcover books are often seen as being more prestigious than paperback books. They are often given as gifts and are often used for display purposes.


  • Affordable and portable: Paperback books are more affordable than hardcover books, making them a good option for readers who are on a budget. They are also more portable, making them ideal for reading on the go.
  • Widely available: Paperback books are more widely available than hardcover books. They can be found in most bookstores, as well as online retailers.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to purchase the hardcover or paperback edition of Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book is up to the individual reader. Both formats have their own advantages and disadvantages, so readers should choose the format that best suits their needs and preferences.

Highly anticipated by fans

Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book, coming out in 2024, is highly anticipated by fans of her work. There are several reasons for this anticipation:

  • Long wait for a new book:

    Hamilton’s last book, “Kiss the Dead,” was released in 2018. This means that fans have been waiting for a new book from her for several years. The anticipation for her new book has been building for some time.

  • Beloved author:

    Hamilton is a beloved author with a large and loyal fan base. Her fans eagerly await each new book that she releases.

  • Unique blend of paranormal romance and suspense:

    Hamilton’s books are known for their unique blend of paranormal romance and suspense. Her fans love the way she combines these two genres to create thrilling and entertaining stories.

  • Standalone novel:

    Hamilton’s new book is a standalone novel, meaning that it will be a complete story in itself and will not require readers to have read any of her previous books. This makes it accessible to both new and existing fans.

All of these factors have contributed to the high level of anticipation for Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book. Fans are eagerly awaiting its release in 2024.

No official title yet

Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book, coming out in 2024, does not yet have an official title. This is not uncommon for books that are still in the early stages of development. Authors often go through several different titles before they settle on the final one.

There are several reasons why Hamilton may not have chosen a title for her new book yet.

  • She may still be working on the story. The title of a book often reflects the themes and plot points of the story. Hamilton may still be working on developing the story and may not yet be ready to choose a title that accurately reflects it.
  • She may be waiting for feedback from her editor or publisher. Hamilton may have a few different title ideas in mind, but she may want to get feedback from her editor or publisher before she makes a final decision.
  • She may want to keep the title a secret until closer to the release date. Sometimes, authors like to keep the title of their new book a secret until closer to the release date to build anticipation and excitement among readers.

Whatever the reason, the fact that Hamilton has not yet chosen a title for her new book is not a cause for concern. It is simply part of the normal writing and publishing process.

Once Hamilton has chosen a title for her new book, she will likely announce it to her fans through her website or social media channels. So, stay tuned for more information about the title of Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book!

Plot details still under wraps

The plot details of Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book, coming out in 2024, are still under wraps. Hamilton is known for her secretive nature, and she rarely reveals much about her upcoming books before they are published.

  • To avoid spoilers:

    One reason why Hamilton may be keeping the plot details of her new book a secret is to avoid spoilers. She wants readers to experience the story for themselves without having any preconceived notions about what will happen.

  • To build anticipation:

    Another reason why Hamilton may be keeping the plot details of her new book a secret is to build anticipation among readers. By keeping the story under wraps, she is piquing readers’ curiosity and making them eager to learn more.

  • To protect her creative process:

    Finally, Hamilton may be keeping the plot details of her new book a secret to protect her creative process. She may not want to share her ideas with others until she has had a chance to fully develop them.

Whatever the reason, the fact that Hamilton is keeping the plot details of her new book a secret is sure to make it even more exciting for readers when it is finally released.

Standalone novel set in Hamilton’s world

Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book, coming out in 2024, will be a standalone novel set in her world. This means that it will be a complete story in itself and will not require readers to have read any of her previous books. However, it will be set in the same world as her other books, and it may feature some of the same characters.

This is exciting news for fans of Hamilton’s work, as it gives them the opportunity to experience her unique blend of paranormal romance and suspense in a new and exciting way. It also means that readers who are new to Hamilton’s work can pick up this book and enjoy it without having to read any of her previous books.

The world of Laurell K. Hamilton’s books is a rich and complex one. It is a world where vampires, witches, and other supernatural creatures live alongside humans. This world is full of danger and excitement, and it is sure to provide the backdrop for a thrilling and suspenseful story.

Fans of Hamilton’s work can expect her new book to be full of all the things they love about her writing: strong characters, complex relationships, and plenty of action and suspense. It is sure to be a book that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.

Even though the plot details of Hamilton’s new book are still under wraps, the fact that it will be a standalone novel set in her world is sure to excite fans and new readers alike. It is a highly anticipated release that is sure to be a hit when it is finally published in 2024.

Features new and returning characters

Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book, coming out in 2024, will feature both new and returning characters.

  • New characters:

    Hamilton’s new book will introduce readers to a cast of new and exciting characters. These characters will play important roles in the story, and they will help to bring Hamilton’s world to life.

  • Returning characters:

    Hamilton’s new book will also feature some of her most popular returning characters. Readers can expect to see characters from her Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series, her Merry Gentry series, and her Alexia Tarabotti series.

  • Character crossovers:

    It is possible that Hamilton’s new book will feature characters from multiple series crossing over into each other’s worlds. This would be a exciting development for fans of Hamilton’s work, as it would allow them to see their favorite characters interact in new and unexpected ways.

  • Character cameos:

    Even if Hamilton’s new book does not feature any major character crossovers, it is likely that there will be some cameos by characters from her other series. This would be a fun way for Hamilton to reward her loyal fans and to give them a glimpse into the wider world of her books.

The combination of new and returning characters in Hamilton’s new book is sure to please fans of her work. It will be exciting to see how these characters interact with each other and how they contribute to the overall story.

Expected to be a bestseller

Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book, coming out in 2024, is expected to be a bestseller. There are several reasons for this:

  • Hamilton’s popularity:

    Hamilton is a New York Times bestselling author with a large and loyal fan base. Her books regularly top the bestseller lists, and her fans eagerly await each new release.

  • The standalone format:

    The fact that Hamilton’s new book is a standalone novel makes it more accessible to readers. Readers who are new to Hamilton’s work can pick up this book and enjoy it without having to read any of her previous books.

  • The paranormal romance genre:

    Paranormal romance is a popular genre with a large readership. Hamilton is one of the most popular authors in this genre, and her books are always in high demand.

  • The anticipation for the book:

    Fans of Hamilton’s work have been eagerly awaiting a new book from her for several years. The anticipation for her new book has been building for some time, and this is sure to translate into strong sales.

All of these factors suggest that Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book is poised to be a bestseller. It is sure to be a hit with fans of paranormal romance and suspense, and it is likely to introduce Hamilton’s work to a new generation of readers.

While there is no guarantee that any book will be a bestseller, Hamilton’s new book has all the ingredients necessary to be a huge success. It is sure to be a highly anticipated release that will keep readers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book coming out in 2024:

Question 1: What is the title of Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book?
Answer 1: The title of Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book has not yet been announced.

Question 2: When will Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book be released?
Answer 2: Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book is expected to be released in 2024, but a specific release date has not yet been announced.

Question 3: What is the genre of Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book?
Answer 3: Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book is a paranormal romance standalone novel.

Question 4: Will Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book feature any characters from her other series?
Answer 4: Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book will feature both new and returning characters. It is possible that some characters from her other series may make cameo appearances.

Question 5: Where can I pre-order Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book?
Answer 5: Pre-orders for Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book are not yet available. Once they become available, you will be able to pre-order the book from most major online retailers and bookstores.

Question 6: How can I stay updated on news about Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book?
Answer 6: You can stay updated on news about Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book by following her on social media or by visiting her website.

Question 7: Will Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book be available in hardcover and paperback?
Answer 7: Yes, Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book will be available in both hardcover and paperback formats.

Question 8: Will Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book be available as an e-book?
Answer 8: It is likely that Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book will be available as an e-book, but this has not yet been confirmed.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

These are just some of the frequently asked questions about Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book coming out in 2024. As more information becomes available, we will update this FAQ accordingly. Stay tuned for more news about this highly anticipated release!

In the meantime, you can check out Laurell K. Hamilton’s other books or visit her website to learn more about her work.


Here are a few tips for fans of Laurell K. Hamilton who are eagerly awaiting her new book in 2024:

Tip 1: Pre-order the book as soon as it becomes available.
This will ensure that you get your copy of the book as soon as it is released. You can pre-order the book from most major online retailers and bookstores.

Tip 2: Follow Laurell K. Hamilton on social media.
Hamilton is active on social media, and she often shares news and updates about her upcoming books. You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to stay up-to-date on the latest information about her new book.

Tip 3: Visit Laurell K. Hamilton’s website.
Hamilton’s website is a great resource for fans of her work. You can find information about her upcoming books, as well as news, interviews, and other exclusive content. You can also sign up for her newsletter to receive updates about her new releases.

Tip 4: Join a Laurell K. Hamilton fan group or forum.
There are several online fan groups and forums dedicated to Laurell K. Hamilton and her work. These groups are a great way to connect with other fans, discuss her books, and share your excitement about her upcoming release.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

By following these tips, you can stay up-to-date on all the latest news about Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book and be sure to get your copy as soon as it is released. Happy reading!

In the meantime, you can check out Laurell K. Hamilton’s other books or visit her website to learn more about her work. You can also connect with other fans of her work by joining a Laurell K. Hamilton fan group or forum.


Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book, coming out in 2024, is highly anticipated by fans of her work. It will be a standalone paranormal romance novel set in Hamilton’s world, and it will feature both new and returning characters. The book is sure to be a thrilling and suspenseful read that will keep readers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.

While details about the book are still scarce, the fact that it is a standalone novel makes it accessible to both new and existing fans of Hamilton’s work. Readers who are new to Hamilton’s work can pick up this book and enjoy it without having to read any of her previous books. And fans of Hamilton’s work are sure to be excited to revisit her world and catch up with their favorite characters.

Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book is sure to be a bestseller. It has all the ingredients necessary to be a huge success: a popular author, a standalone format, a popular genre, and a lot of anticipation from fans. Readers can expect to hear more about the book in the coming months, and they can pre-order their copies as soon as they become available.

In the meantime, fans of Laurell K. Hamilton can check out her other books or visit her website to learn more about her work. They can also connect with other fans of her work by joining a Laurell K. Hamilton fan group or forum.

Closing Message:

Laurell K. Hamilton’s new book, coming out in 2024, is sure to be a must-read for fans of paranormal romance and suspense. It is a highly anticipated release that is sure to keep readers entertained from beginning to end. Stay tuned for more news about this exciting new book!

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