Bathroom Trends To Avoid In 2024: Design Mistakes To Steer Clear Of

Bathroom Trends To Avoid In 2024: Design Mistakes To Steer Clear Of

As we approach the new year, it’s time to start thinking about how to keep our bathroom modern and stylish. However, there are certain trends that you should avoid incorporating into your bathroom design in 2024. These outdated or impractical elements can make your space look cluttered and dated. In this informatical article, we will explore some of the bathroom trends to steer clear of in 2024.

The bathroom is a place where you can relax and rejuvenate, so it’s important to create a space that reflects your personal style and provides a sense of sanctuary. Keep reading to learn more about the bathroom trends that you should avoid in 2024.

Now that we’ve covered some of the general bathroom trends to avoid in 2024, let’s dive into more specific details about individual design elements.

Bathroom Trends To Avoid 2024

Keep your bathroom design current and stylish by avoiding these outdated trends.

  • Dark and Moody Decor
  • Vessel Sinks
  • Frameless Shower Doors
  • Oversized Tiles
  • Clawfoot Tubs
  • Mismatched Fixtures
  • Accent Walls

By steering clear of these trends, you can create a bathroom that is both modern and timeless.

Dark and Moody Decor

Dark and moody decor was once a popular trend for bathrooms, but it’s time to let go of this outdated look. Dark colors can make a small bathroom feel even smaller and more cramped, and they can also be difficult to keep clean. Additionally, dark and moody decor can be quite heavy and oppressive, which is not ideal for a space where you want to feel relaxed and refreshed.

  • Lack of Natural Light: Dark colors absorb light, making a bathroom with dark decor feel even darker and dingy, especially if there is limited natural light.
  • Dated and Oppressive: Dark and moody decor can feel heavy and oppressive, creating an unpleasant atmosphere in a space where you want to feel relaxed and refreshed.
  • Difficult to Clean: Dark colors can show water spots and soap scum more easily than lighter colors, making it more difficult to keep a dark bathroom looking clean.
  • Not Ideal for Small Bathrooms: Dark colors can make a small bathroom feel even smaller and more cramped, making it feel less spacious and inviting.

Instead of dark and moody decor, opt for light and airy colors that will make your bathroom feel more spacious and inviting. You can also add pops of color with towels, rugs, and other accessories.

Vessel Sinks

Vessel sinks were once a popular choice for bathrooms, but they are now considered outdated and impractical. These sinks are typically made of glass or ceramic and sit on top of the bathroom counter, rather than being recessed into it. While vessel sinks can be visually appealing, they have several drawbacks that make them less than ideal for everyday use.

Splashing: Vessel sinks are notorious for splashing water everywhere, especially when the faucet is turned on at full force. This can be a major annoyance, especially if you have a small bathroom or if you are trying to keep the floor dry.

Difficult to Clean: Vessel sinks are also more difficult to clean than other types of sinks. The exposed rim of the sink can collect dust, soap scum, and other debris, which can be difficult to remove. Additionally, the space between the sink and the counter can be a breeding ground for mold and mildew.

Limited Counter Space: Vessel sinks take up a lot of counter space, which can be a problem in small bathrooms. If you have a small bathroom, a vessel sink can make it difficult to have enough space for other essential items, such as soap dispensers and toothbrush holders.

Prone to Damage: Vessel sinks are also more prone to damage than other types of sinks. The exposed rim of the sink can be easily chipped or cracked if something heavy is dropped on it. Additionally, the sink itself can be damaged if it is not properly supported.

For these reasons, it is best to avoid vessel sinks when designing a new bathroom or remodeling an existing one. There are many other types of sinks available that are more practical and stylish.

Frameless Shower Doors

Frameless shower doors were once seen as the epitome of modern bathroom design. However, they have several drawbacks that make them less than ideal for everyday use.

  • Difficult to Keep Clean: Frameless shower doors are notorious for being difficult to keep clean. Water spots and soap scum can easily build up on the glass, making the door look dirty and dingy. Additionally, the tracks and hinges of the door can also be difficult to clean.
  • Prone to Leaks: Frameless shower doors are more prone to leaks than other types of shower doors. This is because the glass panels are not as securely sealed as they are in framed shower doors. Even a small gap between the glass and the wall can allow water to leak out.
  • Can Be Dangerous: Frameless shower doors can be dangerous if they are not properly installed. The glass panels can be heavy and difficult to handle, and if they are not installed correctly, they can come loose and fall. Additionally, the edges of the glass panels can be sharp, posing a safety hazard.
  • Expensive: Frameless shower doors are typically more expensive than other types of shower doors. This is because they require specialized installation and hardware.

For these reasons, it is best to avoid frameless shower doors when designing a new bathroom or remodeling an existing one. There are many other types of shower doors available that are more practical, affordable, and safe.

Oversized Tiles

Oversized tiles were once a popular trend for bathrooms, but they are now considered outdated and impractical. These tiles can be difficult to install and maintain, and they can also make a small bathroom feel even smaller.

  • Difficult to Install: Oversized tiles are heavy and difficult to handle, which makes them difficult to install. Additionally, the larger the tile, the more likely it is to crack or break during installation.
  • Require Specialized Tools: Installing oversized tiles requires specialized tools and equipment, which can add to the cost and complexity of the project.
  • Can Make a Small Bathroom Feel Smaller: Oversized tiles can make a small bathroom feel even smaller and more cramped. This is because the large tiles can overwhelm the space and make it feel less inviting.
  • More Difficult to Clean: Oversized tiles can be more difficult to clean than smaller tiles. This is because the larger the tile, the more grout lines there are. Grout lines can be difficult to keep clean, especially if they are not properly sealed.

For these reasons, it is best to avoid oversized tiles when designing a new bathroom or remodeling an existing one. There are many other types of tiles available that are more practical, easier to install, and can make a small bathroom feel larger.

Clawfoot Tubs

Clawfoot tubs were once a popular choice for bathrooms, but they are now considered outdated and impractical. These tubs are free-standing and have four feet that raise them off the floor. While clawfoot tubs can be visually appealing, they have several drawbacks that make them less than ideal for everyday use.

  • Difficult to Clean: Clawfoot tubs are difficult to clean because of their unique design. The feet of the tub can make it difficult to reach the floor underneath, and the curved sides of the tub can make it difficult to reach the corners. Additionally, the drain is often located in the center of the tub, which can make it difficult to drain the water completely.
  • Can Be Slippery: Clawfoot tubs can be slippery, especially when wet. This is because the feet of the tub are not always level, which can cause the tub to rock or wobble. Additionally, the smooth surface of the tub can make it difficult to get in and out safely.
  • Not Ideal for Small Bathrooms: Clawfoot tubs are not ideal for small bathrooms. This is because they take up a lot of space and can make the bathroom feel cramped. Additionally, the feet of the tub can be a tripping hazard in a small space.
  • Can Be Expensive: Clawfoot tubs can be expensive to purchase and install. This is because they are typically made of cast iron or porcelain, which are both expensive materials. Additionally, the installation of a clawfoot tub requires specialized knowledge and skills.

For these reasons, it is best to avoid clawfoot tubs when designing a new bathroom or remodeling an existing one. There are many other types of tubs available that are more practical, easier to clean, and more affordable.

Mismatched Fixtures

Mismatched fixtures are another bathroom trend that is best avoided in 2024. This trend involves mixing and matching different styles, finishes, and colors of fixtures, such as faucets, shower heads, towel bars, and toilet paper holders. While this trend can be visually interesting, it can also make a bathroom look cluttered and disjointed.

There are several reasons why mismatched fixtures are not a good idea for bathrooms.

  • Lack of Cohesion: Mismatched fixtures can make a bathroom look disjointed and lacking in cohesion. This is because the different styles and finishes of the fixtures can clash with each other, creating a chaotic and uninviting atmosphere.
  • Difficult to Clean: Mismatched fixtures can also be more difficult to clean. This is because the different finishes and materials of the fixtures may require different cleaning methods and products.
  • Dated Look: The mismatched fixtures trend is also considered to be outdated. This trend was popular in the 1970s and 1980s, but it is no longer considered to be stylish or modern.

For these reasons, it is best to avoid mismatched fixtures when designing a new bathroom or remodeling an existing one. Instead, opt for fixtures that are all from the same collection or that have a similar style and finish. This will create a more cohesive and inviting look in your bathroom.

By avoiding these outdated and impractical trends, you can create a bathroom that is both stylish and functional. With a little planning and effort, you can create a bathroom that you will love for years to come.

Accent Walls

Accent walls were once a popular way to add a pop of color or pattern to a bathroom. However, this trend is now considered outdated and overused. Additionally, accent walls can make a small bathroom feel even smaller and more cramped.

  • Can Make a Small Bathroom Feel Smaller: Accent walls can make a small bathroom feel even smaller and more cramped. This is because the different color or pattern on the accent wall can visually divide the space, making it feel less cohesive and spacious.
  • Dated Look: The accent wall trend is also considered to be outdated. This trend was popular in the 1990s and early 2000s, but it is no longer considered to be stylish or modern.
  • Difficult to Decorate: Accent walls can be difficult to decorate around. This is because the different color or pattern on the accent wall can make it difficult to find artwork, mirrors, and other accessories that complement it.
  • Can Be Distracting: Accent walls can also be distracting, especially if they are too bright or busy. This can make it difficult to relax and unwind in the bathroom.

For these reasons, it is best to avoid accent walls when designing a new bathroom or remodeling an existing one. Instead, opt for a more cohesive and timeless look by using the same color or pattern on all of the walls in the bathroom.


Here are some frequently asked questions about bathroom trends to avoid in 2024:

Question 1: What are some outdated bathroom trends to avoid in 2024?

Answer: Some outdated bathroom trends to avoid in 2024 include dark and moody decor, vessel sinks, frameless shower doors, oversized tiles, clawfoot tubs, mismatched fixtures, and accent walls.

Question 2: Why should I avoid dark and moody decor in my bathroom?

Answer: Dark and moody decor can make a bathroom feel small, cramped, and oppressive. It can also be difficult to keep clean and can make it difficult to relax and unwind.

Question 3: What are some of the drawbacks of vessel sinks?

Answer: Vessel sinks can be difficult to clean, can splash water everywhere, and can take up a lot of counter space. They are also more prone to damage than other types of sinks.

Question 4: Why should I avoid frameless shower doors?

Answer: Frameless shower doors are difficult to keep clean, are prone to leaks, and can be dangerous if they are not properly installed. They are also more expensive than other types of shower doors.

Question 5: What are some of the problems with oversized tiles?

Answer: Oversized tiles can be difficult to install, require specialized tools, can make a small bathroom feel even smaller, and can be more difficult to clean.

Question 6: Why should I avoid clawfoot tubs?

Answer: Clawfoot tubs are difficult to clean, can be slippery, are not ideal for small bathrooms, and can be expensive to purchase and install.

Question 7: What’s wrong with mismatched fixtures in the bathroom?

Answer: Mismatched fixtures can make a bathroom look disjointed and lacking in cohesion. They can also be more difficult to clean and can date a bathroom.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ: By avoiding these outdated and impractical bathroom trends, you can create a bathroom that is both stylish and functional. With a little planning and effort, you can create a bathroom that you will love for years to come.

Now that you know what bathroom trends to avoid in 2024, here are some tips for creating a stylish and timeless bathroom:


Here are some tips for creating a stylish and timeless bathroom in 2024:

Tip 1: Choose a classic and neutral color palette. Avoid dark and moody colors, which can make a bathroom feel small and cramped. Instead, opt for light and airy colors, such as white, gray, or beige. These colors will make your bathroom feel more spacious and inviting.

Tip 2: Invest in high-quality fixtures and materials. Don’t skimp on the fixtures and materials in your bathroom. Choose high-quality items that will last for years to come. This may include things like a well-made vanity, a durable shower door, and a comfortable toilet. Investing in high-quality items will save you money in the long run, as you won’t have to replace them as often.

Tip 3: Add personal touches to make your bathroom unique. Your bathroom should reflect your personal style. Add some personal touches to make it feel like your own. This could include things like artwork, plants, or a unique shower curtain. Even small changes can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of your bathroom.

Tip 4: Keep your bathroom clean and clutter-free. A clean and clutter-free bathroom is always stylish and inviting. Make sure to clean your bathroom regularly and declutter it as needed. This will help to keep your bathroom looking its best.

Closing Paragraph for Tips: By following these tips, you can create a stylish and timeless bathroom that you will love for years to come. Remember to avoid outdated trends and invest in high-quality items that will last. With a little planning and effort, you can create a bathroom that is both beautiful and functional.

By avoiding outdated trends and following these tips, you can create a bathroom that is both stylish and timeless. With a little planning and effort, you can create a bathroom that you will love for years to come.


As we approach 2024, it’s time to start thinking about how to keep our bathrooms stylish and modern. By avoiding outdated trends and following the tips in this article, you can create a bathroom that is both beautiful and functional.

Some of the key points to remember include:

  • Avoid dark and moody decor, which can make a bathroom feel small and cramped.
  • Opt for light and airy colors, such as white, gray, or beige, to make your bathroom feel more spacious and inviting.
  • Invest in high-quality fixtures and materials that will last for years to come.
  • Add personal touches to make your bathroom unique and reflective of your own style.
  • Keep your bathroom clean and clutter-free to create a stylish and inviting space.

By following these tips, you can create a bathroom that you will love for years to come. Remember, a stylish bathroom is one that is both beautiful and functional. With a little planning and effort, you can achieve this goal.

Closing Message: Embrace the latest bathroom trends that are both stylish and practical. Create a space that reflects your personal style and provides a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation.

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